Septic Tank Odors and Flood Zones

For home owners living in a flood zone, the possibility of flooding will always exist as it currently does for residence along the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers. Protecting your septic system is just one of the issues concerning these residences.

Never pump out a septic tank before or during a flood. The system can become lighter then the water and the soil around the system, causing the septic tank to float and rise out of the ground. Pumping a septic tank and drain field should only be performed when the area around the tank is relatively dry.

Conserving water can make all the difference in the world during a flood. Reduce the amount of water usage by limiting the number of toilet flushes and shower usage. Wash dishes by hand and limit the use of your dish washer will also save water. Make sure that water draining from roof tops and higher elevations is not directed onto your drain field. Consider placing sand bags around the septic tank opening.

In the event of evacuation, cut the electrical power to the septic system alarms, pumps and aerators. Failing to do so may result in damage to the system and its components.

When water levels recede and the danger of flooding have diminished. Returning to your home can present many hazards. Be especially careful when approaching your home for the first time after the flood. Septic system areas can be especially dangerous, septic tank lids can become dislodged. Residents can fall into these systems causing serious injury and even death in some cases. E Coli bacteria may be present on the ground, surrounding areas that may cause serious disease transmission. Septic tank odors and smells are a sign that the system has flooded and dangerous bacteria may be present.

Flooded out septic systems may require pumping in an attempt to remove sediment and debris that may have made its way into the septic tank. In an attempt to return your septic system to peak operation condition you may consider restoring the septic system and drain field with a commercial grade bacterial additive such as NT-Max septic tank maintenance. Beneficial bacteria that may have been lost in the flood are critical to the digestion and operation of septic systems.

We strongly recommend that you contact your local septic and electrical professionals. Have your system inspected for any safety hazards before you return to your home. For more information contact or call 800-509-0927.

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