Septic preventive maintenance

The world of the septic tanks and septic preventative maintenance is the focus of this article. It isn’t exactly the most favorite aspect of the home. In a way, it is taboo to talk about it in some areas. Usually, the septic system is just discussed when there are problems already.

The septic is designed, built, and installed according to the individualized needs of your household. You have to discuss the size of your household with your septic expert so that the right size will be provided for you. Of course, the septic expert needs to assess the water table and the type of soil that your property has to know what type of septic is best to install.

Like any component in your property, the septic needs to receive the right amount of care and septic prevenitive maintenance. There may have been so many beliefs that have already been passed down from generation to generation. Usually, this just involved the throwing of yeast cakes, vegetable peelings, or pieces of meat and then walking away. With today’s septic system designs, you have to really work hard to keep it running smoothly.

Septic preventive maintenance is the most reliable means to have a fully functional wastewater treatment system. It involves your cooperation with your septic expert. In caring for your septic, you have to remember that you have to do your part as well. It isn’t all about the additives or the presence of your septic expert. You have to learn as much as you can and then apply it. Here are some of the considerations that you have to take note of in your septic preventive maintenance:

  1. Common sense is the basic rule in using the septic system. Remember that only wastewater and biodegradable toilet tissue could be dumped into the system. Never even think of throwing in kitchen grease, cigar butts, tobacco butts, car grease, feminine products, and diapers. Non-biodegradable materials are called as such because they cannot be broken down by the resident bacteria. They’re just there to blog the system and cause malfunction and failure.
  2. See to it that the pipes or fixtures are repaired or replaced when needed. Any leaks will contribute to the malfunction or backing up of the system.
  3. All types of construction or heavy vehicles should be removed from the septic system area. The heavy weight will cause damage to the septic components.
  4. Make sure that you know the exact location of the septic area so that vehicles and construction won’t be placed over it. You will also find it easier to inspect the system and have anything repaired immediately if needed. You could ask the help and guidance of your septic expert or the department that issued the permit to install the system.
  5. The septic expert needs to inspect the system first to see if there are septic odors, if the sludge level is at a normal level, if there are any damaged parts, if there are pooling areas in the yard, if there is soggy soil, and if any trees or hardwood plants.
  6. You should only use color safe oxygen bleach when you clean your house or wash your clothes
  7. There should also be a well-kept preventive maintenance schedule
  8. The following treatments should be administered:
    1. Regular pump outs
    2. Porosity restorer treatment for drain fields, dry wells, and tanks
    3. Septic maintainer treatment for drain protection, odor control, paper and detergent digestion, and improvement of the tank.
    4. Activator treatment for the restoration of the bacterial population

It is part of your responsibility to make sure that your septic system functions optimally. Do your part by using the toilets, sinks, and drains well. It would be better if you have a dry well installed to take care of the grey water produced by your washing machine and dishwasher. This would really help in decreasing the water load in the septic system. If you perform regular septic preventive maintenance, surely, you will have your septic system for decades to come.

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