The most awaited wedding was at hand. Your daughter was supposed to be married in your garden the week after the engagement barbeque. The barbeque was a success and the big day was anticipated more than ever. You smiled at how you took good care of your garden, months before the engagement barbeque. Every flower was perfect. Every leaf gleamed against the sunlight. The trees that framed your property stood tall with their ripe fruits hanging from high branches. Birds constantly chirped and butterflies swooped playfully all over.
The sun just rose and the morning dew glistened in the early dawn. Breakfast was ready. The aroma of pancakes, sausages, and freshly-brewed coffee wafted throughout the house. Your daughter called you to come inside and eat. After an hour, the phone rang. Your septic professional called to confirm the scheduled monthly treatment for your sand mound. Your eyes widened because you almost forgot about the appointment. You were so bent on maintaining your landscaped garden that you totally neglected your sand mound system treatment. With this, you confirmed the schedule which was five days before the wedding. It was very important for the monthly sand mound treatment to push through. It was your daughter’s day. You had to make sure that it was going to be perfect.
When you acquired the property years back, you expected to have a conventional septic system that was concealed underground. But the septic professional told you that like the other residents in the area; you would have to opt for the sand mound system because of the high water table. You didn’t have the luxury of declining if it was the only choice you had. At first it having a sand mound was a weird thing to accept for a septic system. It was elevated and above the surface so it didn’t meld with the landscaping design at first. But with the right designer, the sand mound was perfectly incorporated into the garden.
It was a septic system type that required more attention. But just like any other septic system, it needed a monthly treatment to make sure that the bacterial population, the tank, the sand filter, and the other components are intact and well taken care of. The responsibility requires a monthly sand mound treatment that you should keep. And in your case, you should be really serious about it. You can’t afford having a sand mound back up on your daughter’s wedding day next week.
When the septic professional arrived, you made sure that the procedure was done well. You never left his side and asked questions when you needed something clarified. The biological treatment option was used on your sand mound. This is the method that adds non-pathogenic bacteria into the tank to improve the efficiency of solid waste breakdown. The bacteria added will continue to increase in number even after the treatment is done.
You thought of suggesting an inorganic treatment but the septic professional said that the inorganic additives or treatments would only put your sand mound at risk of getting damaged. It is composed of harsh acids and bases so the tank and the pipes could corrode. Organic treatments may involve the use of yeasts or baking soda. Yeasts in particular increase the sludge level in the tank and will contribute greatly in the clogging of the sand filter and the soil absorption system. Baking soda is said to make the environment for bacteria a non-acidic environment but using it all the time is not advisable.
By the time the septic expert left, your heart settled with the thought that your daughter’s wedding will go on without any sand mound problem. Your wife approached you and suggested that you go out for coffee and cheesecake in the city. It was a good idea, considering you spent hours around the sand mound. You hurriedly showered and changed clothes. In half an hour, you and your family were driving off to your favorite coffee shop. No amount of worry was upon you from that day and surely until your daughter’s wedding day.