Septic tank additives and how to determine the best septic tank products on the market? With over 1000 septic tank additives on the market, the question becomes “who is the best”? When you go to your local hardware store and ask the guy behind the counter “who has the best septic tank additives”? The salesmen will usually escort you to the septic tank additive wall of fame. The wall usually stocked full of every septic tank product you can think of, most of which do not offer a 100% money guarantee.
First thing is first, look for the maximum bacterial count listed on the outside of the package. The higher the bacterial count the better the product will perform achieving your digestion goals.
The second thing to look for in a good septic tank additive is to ensure that the product is a bacteria and not an enzyme. Enzymes temporarily break down the waste allowing it to flow downstream where it will then coagulate further down the line creating other problems. Undigested waste will clog up the crushed 1b and 2b stone that make up the drain field eventually creating a bio mat rendering the system useless.
Bacterial additives digest waste, fate, oils and greases into water and carbon dioxide creating a liquid effluent. The liquid effluent is then discharged into the drain field where the leaching process takes place. Unlike enzymes, bacteria will safely break down waste giving it the ability to leach into the drain filed then returning to the water table.
Septic tank additives do work anr are a great way to preserve the integrity your septic system. Researchers have noted that while there is more to taking care of a septic system than adding a monthly dose of bacteria. It is extremely beneficial and will reduce solid build up in the system and will limit unnecessary pump outs.