This article will cover why sand mound systems back up? The recession has really done a lot to everyone. Plans got cancelled; lifestyles altered; and outlooks changed. Some even had their self-esteem gravely affected because of layoffs. Others start their very own businesses even in their own homes because it would be too costly to drive back and forth the urban areas for work. It’s a precipice that forces people to think things over a million times before deciding. Maintaining a home these days in the United States is not getting any easier. This is why homeowners need to take things into their own hands and be the primary movers in their household when it comes to caring for their property.
Even if you have your septic expert at a ready whenever you call, you should still see to it that you know what’s going on in your drains, sinks, and toilets. You should motivate your household to be responsible around the house because your septic system will last depending on how you treat it. If ever your property is one of those that require the sand mound system as a septic, then you should always be aware of what to do. It is unconventional because it’s above the ground. It is for the type of soil that’s has either a very slow or very fast percolation rate. Problems do arise and one of the most common ones is backups. You should know why sand mounds back up so that you could immediately pinpoint the problem even if your septic expert is not there yet. Here are some of the common reasons why sand mound systems back up:
a) Drains, toilets, and sinks aren’t used properly
It’s a common crime in the household to throw almost anything into drains, toilets, and sinks. It’s like the fastest way to dispose of anything from dead goldfish to grease. This should not be tolerated because when these substances and non-biodegradables reach the sand mound’s tank, the resident anaerobic bacteria there will not be able to break them down effectively at all. They will just remain in the tank and take up space that’s meant for the wastewater treatment process. The sand mound overflows and backs up when the solid waste materials occupy more than one foot of the tank.
b) Too much water
When too much water enters the sand mound’s tank, the solid wastes get stirred up and disperse into the absorption field. The solid wastes clog the field and backup happens. Water overload happened during simultaneous usage of the dishwasher and the washing machine or during heavy rains. The grey water from the dishwasher and washing machines should be diverted into a dry well to help regulate the amount of water that enters the sand mound tank. The rain gutter should be redirected away from the sand mound area so as to prevent additional water from entering the system.
c) Root blocks
The complex root systems of hardwood trees and shrubs penetrate deep into the sand mound and interfere with the normal flow of the wastewater treatment. The effluent backs up because the paths they take are already clogged with roots. To resolve this, the septic expert should manually remove the roots. Using chemicals to destroy the roots will only damage the sand mound and the surrounding environment.
d) Damage to physical parts
These may be caused the crushing weight of vehicles or structured on top of the sand mound system. Invasive tree roots also contribute to this problem. If the components of the sand mound are destroyed, then the effluent will leak out and backup into the home and over the property. Any amount or damage should immediately be taken care of. This is why regular inspection is very important.
e) Irregular pump outs
Pump outs should be done on a regular basis because if the sludge isn’t eliminated, the sand mound will overflow and back up.
Knowing why sand mound systems back up is important as a homeowner. This would empower you in becoming more effective in managing your own home.