This article will discuss how calcium can wreak havoc in a leach field. All systems that man has come up with is comprised of valuable components. Your household is a system. It needs the members to make every activity successful. Each one has a task to specialize in such as laundry washing, dish washing, cleaning surfaces, taking out the trash, taking care of the car, changing the light bulbs, and the like. As a result, the household becomes a well-oiled factory that efficiently makes the home clean and orderly. Plumbing, ventilation, heating, air conditioning, electricity, and the septic system are the main concerns of every homeowner. These have to be optimal at all times to make sure that the household members are well cared for. When it comes to keeping the household sanitized, you should make sure that your septic system is always in good condition. It is made up of the septic tank and the leach field. The septic tank is where the raw wastewater is initially treated. The solid particles are decomposed by the resident anaerobic bacteria. The pre-treated effluent then flows into the leach field to be purified by the biomat, which eliminated the toxins and pathogens. After the biomat’s purification process, the cleaned effluent is returned to the surrounding environment so that it could be reused. The leach field is the last stage of wastewater treatment. Like the septic tank, it is also prone to various issues. The main problem that the leach field encounters is clogging. Clogs in the leach field are brought about by so many factors such as the following: • Soil compaction. This condition is caused by the heavy weight of the structures and the vehicles placed over the leach field area. The weight crushes the leach field lines. Cracks allow rainwater and sediments and these substances clog the system. Leaks also result from the damage. These push back the raw wastewater into the residential area, contaminating everything and interrupting the normal treatment flow. • Non-biodegradable waste accumulation. Grease and plastics enter the leach field and the septic tank because of neglect. These non-biodegradable materials cannot be decomposed by the resident bacteria so, they just build up in the tank and are even pushed into the leach field, clogging everything. • Not adhering to regular pump outs. You have to stick to your pump out schedule because the sludge should be removed. Eliminating the sludge will give more room for wastewater treatment and prevent clogging. Sludge that is not sucked out of the tank will enter the leach field and clog it. • Accumulation of calcium sulfoaluminate or ettringite. This starts with the anaerobic digestion performed by the thiocillus bacteria. Hydrogen sulfide gas is the outcome of the digestion process. The gas gathers in the headspace above the septic water line and reacts with oxygen. Sulfuric acid comes out as the product of this interaction. The acid forms the ettringite on the concrete reinforcement of the septic tank and of the distribution system. You should understand how calcium can wreak havoc in a leach field. Ettringite eats away the concrete protection of the septic tank and the d-system of the leach field. The metal components are then damaged because of exposure to the elements such as water and sediments. The damage incurred here causes leach field malfunction and an inevitable failure. The havoc in your leach field caused by calcium sulfoaluminate is the worst possible problem you could have concerning your leach field. You can prevent ettringite havoc to the leach field by having an efficient aeration system in your septic. This will incorporate more oxygen into your septic system. The oxygen produced will occupy the headspace above the water line and prevent the hydrogen sulfide gas from filling it up. This will keep the hydrogen sulfide gas from interacting with oxygen. Sulfuric acid formation will also be prevented. Your septic system will last longer with a reliable aeration system. Ettringite formation is the worst problem to have in your leach field area. Work with your septic expert to prevent this from happening.